Dreampursuit.blogspot.com is a resource that offers help to people that are on a journey to a new beginning. I am here to motivate people looking for ways to turn thier passion, dreams and desires into a internet business or homebusiness. I am here to encourage, motivate and inspire you. You will receive tools and resources that will help you move to the next step of your journey. Remember that I am here for you.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I was watching one of my favorite shows on television over the weekend called “Home Delivery.” The show is about how they lend a helping hand to people that write into the show and are faced with life struggles or someone that may have a dream and need a little help getting to the next level.

This one episode was about a 15 year old boy born paralyzed from the waist down, not only that but his mom had abandoned him because of his birth defect (now, this is not going to be some sad story). The amazing part of this story is that this kid had a BIG DREAM to become a rap singer and writer. His focus and energy was not on his problem but on perfecting his craft so that he could share his dream with the world.

He didn’t know how he was going to bring life to his dream or how he was going to get his music out to the world, he just knew he had something great, something worth sharing so he wrote to the television show “Home Delivery” and they helped him achieve is dream.

He got a chance to record his rap song at a professional recording studio and he also got a chance to sing live on a radio show in his home town, allowing hundreds of people the opportunity to hear his music.

His message was that” no matter your back ground or what hand life has dealt you, you can always achieve your dreams. Don’t every give up.”

I have a question for you, are you letting your circumstances stop you from pursuing your dreams? Don’t feel bad, we’ve all been there. Sometimes we just need a little encouragement.
I think I can help you. Go to my website Dream-Pursuit and sign up and you’ll receive information that will motivate and inspire you to take that step toward your dreams.

Ps. I like to know what your dreams/passions are (just leave a comment after the article). I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you great success

Sunday, May 10, 2009

How Looking At the word "Failure" in A Positive Way Can Help You Accomplish Great Success

What is failure? Most of us have the idea that failure is a something bad. Our schools tend to reinforce the idea. We study the final results of people’s lives and don’t look at their early mistakes. We look at people like Oprah and Tiger Woods and we focus on how great they are now.

We don’t look at the poems that did not work for Mia Angelo, only the masterpieces that survived. Their first efforts ended in the wastebaskets.

We get the impression that these people were somehow born with a mature talent, fully developed skills, never made mistakes, and that everything they did was perfect. I bet their waste baskets were overflowing as yours and mine are.

Every great artist, scientist and businessman made thousands of mistakes before they made the masterpieces that we study and admire today.

Thomas Edison is a great example. He tried thousands of different ways to make the light bulb work. And once when an interviewer asked him how he could continue to go on after thousands of failures, Edison replied, “I haven’t failed thousands of times. I succeeded in finding thousands of ways that the process won’t work.” That’s how we have to learn to regard failure, as attempts, that just didn’t work the first or second time.

Failure is nothing more than a successful way of finding out how a process won’t work. If you try, made a mistake, and then analyze why you made the mistake, you will have learned a great deal.

Remember, there is no shame in failing. Failing is just a necessary part of growth and development. If you have never made a mistake before, it just means you have never tried anything new. That is the biggest failure of all. So if you have a dream or a passion you like to pursue and you’re not afraid of failing go sign up at Dream-Pursuit and start moving forward with your dreams.
Don't forget to tell a friend.
Ps. Your friend Gigi
Wishing you great success.

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