Dreampursuit.blogspot.com is a resource that offers help to people that are on a journey to a new beginning. I am here to motivate people looking for ways to turn thier passion, dreams and desires into a internet business or homebusiness. I am here to encourage, motivate and inspire you. You will receive tools and resources that will help you move to the next step of your journey. Remember that I am here for you.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Doing It My Way

Hi, my name is Ginesta, but you can call me Gigi, that’s what my friends call me. I’m 48 years young, I’ll be 49 on December 31 2007. And I just got laid off my job : ( a week before Christmas), after being there for 7 years (Merry Christmas to me).

When I was faced with the news that I was going to be laid off, I was excited, it took everything in my power to keep from jumping for joy. You see, I truly hated my job and the people I worked with . But I was to scared to make a move. Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Like a lot of people, I kept telling myself, “ as long as I was making a living, had a roof over my head, had food on the table and was able to shop at Target, I was doing great. I was just feeding myself a bunch of lies and excuses, so that I wouldn’t feel bad for not having the courage to pursue my dreams to it’s fullest.

I read somewhere that about 3% to 5% of people that pursue their dreams become successfully while the other 95%-97% are living a life of quite desperation (I was part of the 97% group. That‘s scary).

I realize that my getting laid off my job was an opportunity in disguise, and it’s up to me to take advantage of this opportunity.

There are things that I struggle with, FEAR and PROCRASTINATION (just to name a few), but I am not going to let them stop me. I’ll work on them along the way. A wise person told me, “you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it started and improve as you go along“.

There’s a great quote that goes: “a bad plan executed is better then a good plan waiting for that perfect moment” because there is no such thing as a perfect moment.

My goal is to never go back to a JOB every again, and to pursue my dreams with all my heart and soul.

I created this Blog so that you can join me in my journey to a new beginning. You’ll be able to witness the good, the bad and the ugly. I hope to inspire and encourage you to fight for your dreams.

I’ll also be sharing different things with you like articles on how you can turn your passion into profit, marketing tools and tips that you can use to grow your business, and I’ll also be here to offer words of encouragement when things get a little tuff, and believe me they will get tuff.

I think it’s important to have like minded people in your corner, people that will support you when you’re faced with obstacles and you feel like giving up, because as we both know the journey is not going to easy but it will be rewarding.

So, go right ahead and jump in there with both feet (it’s ok to be in control of your own destiny) get down and dirty to make your dream a reality. Don’t worry, we’ll be there for each other.

Ps. Blessing to you and yours
I look forward to meeting you soon.

Pps. No more JOB’s : )

1 comment:

  1. I read your Blog and found it to be very motivating and inspiring. I am ready to take advantage of my own opportunities. Thank you the words of inspiration. Good Luck on your journey. I will be following your progress.



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