Dreampursuit.blogspot.com is a resource that offers help to people that are on a journey to a new beginning. I am here to motivate people looking for ways to turn thier passion, dreams and desires into a internet business or homebusiness. I am here to encourage, motivate and inspire you. You will receive tools and resources that will help you move to the next step of your journey. Remember that I am here for you.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Light Bulb Moment

I was lying in bed the other day, thinking about my new venture as an entrepreneur and it dawned on me that I was not going to become a successful entrepreneur if I kept chasing after the quick buck. You see after I got laid off my job and decided to start my own business, I started to focus on the “Get Rich Quick Scams”.

I would stay up late nights watching those infomercials. You know the ones am talking about, the infomercials that tell you, “just send in $59.95 and once you received your home business kit, you’ll start making thousands of dollars instantly”.

Before you know it, you’re so excited, you get up in the middle of the night, you stubble over the cat trying to get to your purse or wallet and in your mind you’re thinking about all the things you’re going to do with the money you haven‘t made yet. Does that sound familiar?

Once you receive your “Home Business Kit”. You‘re so excited. You say a little prayer before you open the box, “God, let this be the one”.

After a few weeks, guess what? You’re mad and frustrated because you have not made a penny from your investment. So, it goes up on the shelf to collect dust, along with the other “Get Rich Quick Scams” you purchased in the past.

Now, getting back to my light bulb moment. I realized that my being desperate to make money fast, made me a victim to the “Get Rich Quick Scams”. I also realized that you can not attract financial freedom from a place of desperation.

Here are a few tips I like to share with you that have helped me stay on track to pursuing my dreams.

1- Focus on what you are passionate about. When you’re coming from a place of desire and passion, you’ll be more focused on providing value to people instead of how much money you can get. People will notice that you care about them instead of their wallets and before you know it money will start flowing into your bank account. There’s an old saying, “Give people what they want and they will give you what you need”. (Money)

2-Once you’ve found your interest, start talking to people that are successful in that field. You’ll be surprised at how experts love to help others.

3- Realize that it is going to require some work, dedication and education. Besides, when you’re doing what you love, it won’t feel like work.

4- Read a lot of positive books. Such as ,“Think and Grow Rich“ by Napoleon Hill, “How To Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie and “Failing Forward” by John C Maxwell (my favorite). Just to name a few.

5- Celebrate your small victories.

6- Never, every quick, no matter what.

I like to leave you with one of my favorite quotes: “If it’s to be, It’s up to me” by Les Brown

Ps. I’ll see you next time with more ideas and tips.
Until next time. Blessings to you and yours and may all your dreams come true

Your friend, Gigi

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