Dreampursuit.blogspot.com is a resource that offers help to people that are on a journey to a new beginning. I am here to motivate people looking for ways to turn thier passion, dreams and desires into a internet business or homebusiness. I am here to encourage, motivate and inspire you. You will receive tools and resources that will help you move to the next step of your journey. Remember that I am here for you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

In Walks Fear, Now What?

Hi, let me bring you up to date on what’s been going on since my last posting. My first week of unemployment, I was excited about my new found freedom. The idea of being my own boss was exciting. No more JOB for me.

First day, I turned on my computer, checked my e-mail. Then I looked around my one bedroom apartment (that I share with my dog peaches and my fat cat china. They’re cut but they don’t pay any rent). I asked myself, “what do I do now“? I realized that my closets had not been cleaned out since I moved in my apartment eight years ago. I figure why not take advantage of this free time to do that. Before I knew it, I had pulled out all the junk in all the closets (oh my god, that was a lot of junk), I also took care of some daily tasks and made a few phone calls (I was a busy bee).

Even though it felt good to rid myself of some of the clutter, at the end of the day I realized that I have not done anything that wound move me toward making my dream a reality. If I kept at this pace, I would definitely be back at a JOB. Fear started to set in.

Remember in my last post I shared with you my problems with FEAR and PROCRASTINATION. You see, I realized that fear rears it’s ugly head when you're faced with something challenging, keeping you from taking all of the necessary steps toward pursuing your dreams. What happens is that you’re so focused on failing that you start making excuses.

I found a solution. What I am about to share with you is so simple but yet powerful. If you apply this idea, you will be successful at what ever you decide to do. Are you ready for this? Hold on to your hat. All you have to do is, Feel The Fear And do It Any Way. Yes it’s that simple. By the way, I recommend you read the book “Feel The Fear And Do It Any Way” by Susan Jeffers. It’s a great book.

You see, a lot of people don’t go forward with their dreams, because of the fear of failure. Well, I am here to tell you that failing is a good thing. Because it allows you to learn from your mistakes and it allows you to grow. You know what they say, “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger”. Remember anything worth wild is not going to be easy, but if you stick with it you will be rewarded.

You have to fight tooth and nail for the kind of life you know you deserve. We all have greatness in us. Sometimes we just have to dig deep down within to find it.

In saying all that, I realized I had to sit down and Map out a plan (which is very important). Here is a little exercise I used to get me on the right track of the pursuit of my dreams. You can use this exercise yourself.

First, make a pledge with yourself. Just fill in the blanks:

My Getting The Life I Deserve Pledge:
This is my year to be the person I’ve always wanted to be. This year I will put
(put your name here) first. Starting (put the date here), I will focus on taking the steps to achieve my goals. Ever since ______________ I’ve known that I want to ____________. Today I will create a plan to realize my dreams.
This is my year to achieve at least four goals:

1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________

Negative factors, real and imagined, will no longer be obstacles to my success. To get over (obstacle #1), I will stop ____________. To get over (obstacle #2), I will pray that _______________. To get over (obstacle #3), I will plan to _____________. I know I will be successful because it is my dream to _________________.
To stay on track, I will have my friend (the name) check in on my progress every week/month/quarter (choose one) and hold me accountable. This is my personal 2008 pledge to myself so that I can realize my dreams and live the wonderful life I
truly deserve.

You sign it.

This truly works. Try it and see.

I’ll see you next time with other tools and Ideas that’s working for me and that can work for you also.

Ps. Blessings to you and yours and may all your dreams come true.

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